Late Summer School 2021 Scola Telcz
Telč: Touchable
Interdisciplinary Online Workshop on the Topic of the UNESCO World Heritage City Telcz
Sunday 10. - Wednesday 13. October 2021

Perception of a town without physically visiting it has its obvious limitations. Even though it is today possible to compose an online image of a town, physical personal perception can result in rather different and a more complex picture. The difference between these two perspectives will be observed and discussed in the Scola Telcz Late Summer School, which will take place from 10th till 13th October 2021 on site of the UNESCO World Heritage town of Telč.
Within the international Late Summer School, the results of the previous online workshop will be compared to the image of the city embraced through excursions and on-site observations of the cultural, social, historical and spatial essence Town of Telč. Students will be working within one interdisciplinary group and share and discuss their findings with experts, citizens and local stakeholders.